07-08-20: | Initial release of v2. |
11-17-20: | Swapped SecureX & AnyConnect, added Cloud Gateway. |
02-11-21: | Changing "Secure Firewall" to "Firewall Threat Defense". |
07-14-21: | Change CRES to "Secure Email Encryption Service". |
02-26-22: | Renamed and realigned technology groups, removed Cognitive & CES, SMA. Add Endpoint Pro, Kenna, Secure Cloud Insights, Cisco+, DAG, DNG. |
04-04-22: | Added TLS in WSA section, added context to Device Insights, Telemetry Broker. |
04-06-22: | Added "Free trial link" for products that offer free trials for customers. |
06-01-22: | Removed Duo DAG and added Duo links (Brian M.). |
06-07-22: | Updating several links to new short-links (e.g. https://cisco.com/go/secureworkload was tetration). |
06-21-22: | Added "Cyber Asset Inventory" under SCI for Danny R. |
06-29-22: | Added "Cisco+ Secure Connect Now", removed several items in the SASE column to fit the Cisco+ items (Dave A. helped). |
07-20-22: | Updated to v3. Added link for DDoS Protection. Replaced NaaS, NaaE w/SAL. Added cdFMC, Added Panoptica, Secure Firewall was Firewall Threat Defense. Added SFCN, added Talos. |
08-03-22: | Added features for "Secure Firewall Cloud Native" (SFCN). |
08-04-22: | Removed Cisco+ Secure Connect Choice. |
08-17-22: | Added "Encrypted Visibility Engine" (EVE). |
08-24-22: | Changed "Cisco Secure Client" from "Secure Mobility Client". |
08-25-22: | Changed "Cisco+ Secure Connect Now" to "Cisco+ Secure Connect", added links for: RTC, DLP, RBI, AutoVPN. Added pxGrid. Changed all bullet points color to be black. |
09-29-22: | Change "Secure Email Cloud Mailbox" to "Email Threat Defense" (PUBLISHED 12-13-22) . |
02-09-23: | Removed the Free Trial link for Kenna (David B.). Added link for cdFMC. Added " Endpoint Complete" (no link) &"USB Device Control". Removed "Phishing Defense" (See SEM). |
02-24-23: | Added "DPI on Industrial protocols" under Cyber Vision and moved under "Network". Moved Talos to the right panel and added links. Added SAL Free Trial Link. Changed logo. |
03-01-23: | Changed "DDoS protection" to "Secure DDoS protection. Added "Technology features listed above are not all encompassing". |
03-05-23: | Logo change only. |
04-03-23: | Added Security Intelligence and Hyperlinks for EVE, Malware Defense. Added Free Trial to Cyber Vision (per Jenn C. & Josh H.) and Kenna. Swapped Endpoint Pro w/MDR. |
04-11-23: | Added Calisti (Thanks Dave A.). |
04-24-23: | Reduced font to fit more content. Added Cisco XDR. Added link for Orbital. |
04-28-23: | Change "Kenna Security" to "Cisco Vulnerability Management". |
05-09-23: | v4 with newer headings (e.g. SSE) and rearranged. Renamed "Cloud Insights" to "Attack Surface Management". Thanks Michael M. |
06-06-23: | v5 based on Product and Platform page (3 tiers). Added ADC, Valtix, WAF, renamed Secure Connect. |
07-26-23: | Removed SecureX & Secure Cloud Analytics. Updated Cisco Talos URL. Added additional context to Secure Access, Panoptica, Calisti, XDR and free trial link. |
09-21-23: | Removed the "coming soon" from Multicloud and Secure Access. |
10-04-23: | Added "Free Trial" link to Multicloud. |
10-24-23: | Removed reference to Calisti (thanks Barry). |
12-06-23: | Added DLP and OCR for Cloudlock. |
01-23-24: | Updated to v6 as I rearranged to match SRA as much as possible. Added CTIR and MDR and removed Secure Firewall Cloud Native. Thanks Dave A. |
02-02-24: | Corrected sheet to remove duplicate ETD. Added SAL to it's own section. |
02-06-24: | Added Identity Intelligence to Duo. Added additional features under ETD. |
02-14-24: | Change Panoptica to Cloud Application Security. |
04-29-24: | Added Cisco Hypershield. |
06-04-24: | Added Cisco Security Cloud Control. |
06-27-24: | Update Identity Intelligence hyperlink. |
07-08-24: | Added Ransomware Defense hyperlink to XDR. Updated NGIPS, FDM, CESA & MDR links. |
07-10-24: | Added Panoptica Free Trial Link. |
10-11-24: | Made room for Splunk and a few related links. |
11-08-24: | Removed coming soonfrom SCC and Hyperlink. Removed CDO |
12-12-24: | Removed Cloud Application Security(Panoptica). Removed Free Trialfrom: Attack Surface Mgmt. & XDR. Added Suites tile. Changed hyperlink for ADC. |
12-17-24: | Removed Telemetry Brokerfrom XDR. |
01-06-25: | Moved CTIR back to XDR tile, added Telemetry Broker back to SNA. |
01-15-25: | Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks. Added AI Defense. |
02-04-25: | Updated Umbrella Investigate hyperlink. |
02-08-25: | Added Isovalent. |
Cisco Security Suites:
09-22-23: Create/Release date. Thanks to Daniel M. and Ellen P. 09-26-23: Updated based on incorrect product inclusions within suites (thanks Andy V.). 10-11-23: Updated Components based on AAG. Impossible to know what belongs until release. 02-14-24: Added Breach Premier license items & public page hyperlink. Changed Panoptica to Cloud Application Security. 05-06-24: Added AI references and Ransomware Recovery to components. 06-10-24: Added RBI and ThousandEyes under User Protection to reflect SalesConnect page. 12-12-24: Changed Duo to Advantage (from Premier), added ISE Premier. 12-17-24: Updated Cloud Suite (added Hypershield, Isovalent & virtual Firewall), Cloud Advantage tier is temp discontinued. Thanks Biagio M. and Crystal S. 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks.
01-19-25: | Create/Release date. Thanks Daniel M. |
Cisco Attack Surface Management (CASM):
06-21-22: Create date, first draft (Rajat G. & Danny R.). Changed questions to ones provided by Jamey H. 06-22-22: Release date. 04-05-23: Updated Resources to remove old Sales Connect link and replace with Products and Platform. 04-28-23: Updated with new SalesConnect link. 05-14-23: Changed name from "Cloud Insights". 06-26-23: Update resource links. 08-23-23: Swapped Secure Cloud Analytics with XDR Analytics. 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks.
Cisco Cloud Application Security:
10-19-23: Create date, thanks Barry Y, and Ellen P. 10-24-23: Released. 02-14-24: Renamed from Panoptica in various locations, Updated Public page & AAG hyperlinks. 07-10-24: Added Free Trial Link and small format updates. 12-05-24: Removed from Menu and Overview page.
Cisco Defense Orchestrator (CDO):
02-26-23: Initial create. Sent to Daniel M., Adam B. and Namit A. for feedback. Added link to FMC Feature Matrix (Daniel M.). 02-28-23: Initial release after several updates thanks to Aaron H., Namit A., Daniel M. 03-27-23: Resource update; added link to SAL Ordering Guide, updated "what's new" hyperlink. 04-05-23: Updated Resources to remove old Sales Connect link and replace with Products and Platform. 10-25-23: Added Example SKU on bottom right corner. 11-13-23: Changed icon, removed FAQ link, added Console link. 12-08-23: Edited SAL reference to be On-prem. 05-16-24: Added Multi-Tenant Portal hyperlink. Removed the "30-day trial" hyperlink as all trials now to to same link. 05-31-24: Added Multicloud Defense & Hypershield references. Added FAQ hyperlink. 11-08-24: EXPIRED, replaced with Security Cloud Control.
Cisco Duo:
06-20-19: Initial release. 03-09-20: Changed header from black to white & added description (under header), removed Competition table. 07-08-20: Added wearable, biometrics to Auth methods. 11-17-20: Changed icon & renamed to "Secure Access by Duo". 02-27-22: Added Common Objections, updated Use Cases (including Duo Free), added Resource links. 06-01-22: Removed references to DAG, replaced U2F with FIDO2, added question (Brian M.). 09-07-22: Added additional resource links (Order Guide, package Compare, Duo Beyond, Duo Level Up, Selling Duo, Lift Off Guide). 04-03-23: Updated tile colors, moved Resources to bottom. Updated the Package/Features tile (added hyperlinks), swapped the "Duo Prospect" for "Benefits". (Thanks Chris D.). 04-28-23: Update to reflect package name changes. Added "Trusted Endpoint" to all packages. Updated SalesConnect link. 06-07-23: Name change only (no longer Secure Access by Duo). 10-25-23: Added Example SKU on bottom right corner. 02-06-24: Added Identity Intelligence hyperlink (thanks Brian S.). 02-23-24: Added AAG hyperlink, updated Auth method icons, updated description. 06-27-24: Added Duo Docs hyperlink. 11-18-24: Removed coming soon
for CII. Added 1-10 Users
for Free version.
Cisco Hypershield:
05-30-24: Create/Release date. Thanks to Ellen P., Barry Y. and Shane R. 06-05-24: Added Solution Overview hyperlink. 10-04-24: Added Data Sheet hyperlink. 10-04-24: Removed coming soon
, added Ordering Guide hyperlink and example SKU's, changed CDO to SCC, update Key Components. 12-11-24: Changed CDO to SCC in resources, changed logo. 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks.
Cisco Secure Connect:
12-20-24: Create. Thanks to Iliana I. & Eric E. 01-24-24: Release after several updates. Thanks to Eric E. & Ellen P.
Cisco Talos Incident Response (CITR):
03-14-21: Initial release. 03-16-21: Update the Q&A to reference "technologies" in place of "devices" and re-worded the "unused retainer" Question (all came from FAQ initially). 07-13-21: Updated the AAG link and added a FAQ link. 03-30-23: Rearrange tiles, added additional Resource links to Resources and Services tile. 04-05-23: Updated Resources to remove old Sales Connect link and replace with Products and Platform. 05-01-23: Updated with new SalesConnect link. 08-01-23: Replaced Intelligence on Demand dead link with Battle Card link. 08-30-23: Updated Resource hyperlinks.
Cisco Telemetry Broker:
01-19-24: Initial create. 01-22-24: Initial release. Thanks Michael M. 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks.
Cisco Vulnerability Management:
06-05-22: Create date, first draft (Rick S.). 06-06-22: Release date. 06-14-22: Updated a couple of the questions. 07-13-22: Added links to the Kenna Packages window. 02-21-23: Changed "Kenna.VI+" to "Kenna.VM Premier" and related link & updated bullet items (David B.). Updated icon. 02-24-23: Rearranged sections so the "Resources" were on the bottom right. 03-27-23: Swapped the "How Kenna Works" link with a YouTube link. 04-04-23: Rearranged tiles so Benefits are at upper left, added package comparisons. Updated Resource links. 04-28-23: Change "Kenna Security" to "Cisco Vulnerability Management". 08-30-23: Updated Resource hyperlinks, updated comparisons. 09-07-23: Added at-a-glance, changed Kenna.VM to "Cisco VM". 01-16-25: Updated completely, removed references to Kenna.VI and AppSec. Added Integrations tile. Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks.
Cisco XDR:
04-21-23: Create date. 04-24-23: Initial release. Thank you Eddie M. and Ellen P. 04-28-23: Updated with new SalesConnect link. 06-02-23: Minor correction on 3rd party integration list. 07-26-23: Added Package references to PCM and PNM. Added licensing & Alliance resource links. Change name of SCA to XDR Analytics. 08-03-23: Updated integration lists to match those listed on XDR portal. 08-09-23: Swapped FAQ link with Integrations link in Resources. Incorporated note #3 into #2 to check Integrations link for availability. 08-24-23: Swapped Blog with XDR Resources hyperlink in Resources tile. 08-30-23: Updated Resource hyperlinks. 12-12-23: Added Partner PoV resource link. Added Cohesity and Cisco Threat Intelligence to Integrations and additional 3rd party hyperlinks. 01-25-24: Added Ransomware Recovery hyperlink. 02-14-24: Updated XDR Packages to match the License Web Page, updated Cisco integration list, added hyperlink to Cohesity Data Protection, swapped Alliance Partners with Premier Services hyperlink.
07-01-24: Updated hyperlinks (added integration roadmap and Analytics status page). 07-01-24: Changed Status page to XDR Status in place of SCA status page hyperlink. 12-12-24: Added STC hyperlink. 12-17-24: Removed Telemetry Broker from Components
. Thanks Crystal S.. 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks. 01-24-25: Updated Cisco and 3rd party integration lists.
08-19-23: Create date. Sent to Ellen P. and Daniel M. for feedback. 08-23-23: Release date, still need a CL SME to review.
Cyber Vision:
03-10-23: Create date. Sent to Ellen P. and Jenn C. for feedback. 03-15-23: Release date after several changes/updates from reviewers. 04-05-23: Updated Resources to remove old Sales Connect link and replace with Products and Platform. 04-28-23: Updated with new SalesConnect link. 08-30-23: Updated Resource hyperlinks, removed SecureX reference. 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks.
Identity Services Engine (ISE):
03-12-22: Create date, sending to others for review (Eddie M. & Thomas H.). 03-15-22: Release date. 03-28-22: No change to file, but was asked by Kevin M. to change page to HTTPS (completed). 04-04-22: Spelling correction and some Benefit rewording (thanks to James W.). 03-09-23: Rearranged tiles. Removed FAQ link (dead) and updated Migration link. 04-05-23: Updated Resources to remove old Sales Connect link and replace with Products and Platform. 04-28-23: Updated with new SalesConnect link. 10-25-23: Added Example SKU on bottom right corner. 12-11-24: Cleaned up minor items (e.g. removed Resource bullets), added 3.x Licensing tile. 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks.
02-08-25: Create/Release. Did not have reviewed.
Managed Detection and Response (MDR):
02-04-21: Initial release 06-23-22: Update to include Secure Cloud Analytics as optional. Added Resource links. Replaced "Use Cases" with MDR Elements, updated links to products (e.g. Secure Endpoint). 03-09-23: Changed tile colors only (did not update date-code). 04-13-23: Updated Resources (remove old Sales Connect link). Updated "Supported Tools" tile. 05-01-23: Updated with new SalesConnect link. 08-30-23: Updated Resource hyperlinks, replaced SCA w/XDR Analytics. 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks.
Meraki MX:
05-06-23: Create date. 05-08-23: Released. Thanks to Ellen P. Dave A. Becky H. and Daniel M.
08-01-23: Removed duplicate hyperlink in Resources.
02-23-24: Added ThousandEyes to Features and added SKU example (assuming the SKU is correct). 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks.
Multicloud Defense:
08-02-23: Create date. Thanks to Anubhav S. (removed Multicloud Networking items etc.) and Ellen P. 08-03-23: Release date. 09-21-23: Added additional hyperlinks (e.g. Ordering Guide, White Paper etc.). Replaced Ingress/Egress graphic with Packages chart. 01-24-24: Added Architecture Guide Resource and Get CDO links. 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks.
Secure Access (SSE):
07-31-23: Create date. Thanks to Dave A. and Ellen P. 08-01-23: Release date. 08-03-23: Added Umbrella features for reference (Chris M. request). 08-30-23: Updated Resource hyperlinks. 10-04-23: Added addition Resources: Ordering Guide, Use Case FAQ, Quoting Guide and added ThousandEyes reference. 10-31-23: Added Service Status resource link (thanks Bill Y.). 03-27-24: Added SASE vs SSE hyperlink. 06-07-24: Removed VPN Access from SIA Essentials and Advantage packages table. Thanks John B. 07-01-24: Updated Resource hyperlinks (added Cloud Mgmt and removed Infographics). 12-12-24: Added STC hyperlink (SSE not available until Q4FY25). 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks. 01-24-25: Added Best Practice
and updated other hyperlinks, removed notes from DLP and RBI.
Secure Client:
05-04-23: Create date. 05-08-23: Release. Thanks to Ellen P. Becky H. & Paul C. for feedback. 08-17-23: Removed cloud management references (Modules, License, FAQ). Thanks to Marc D. and Ellen P. 02-23-24: Updated AnyConnect to Secure Client. Changed check mark colors to match. 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks.
Secure DDoS Protection:
03-04-23: Initial create. Sent to Ellen P., Mike G., Travis V., Grif M. & Virg S. for feedback. 03-08-23: First release based on feedback from: Ellen P. Mike G. Travis V, Grif M. & Virg S. 04-05-23: Updated Resources to remove old Sales Connect link and replace with Products and Platform. 04-28-23: Updated with new SalesConnect link. 10-25-23: Added Example SKU on bottom right corner. 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks.
Secure Email (SEM):
02-27-22: Create date. 03-02-22: Initial release. 03-03-22: Changed the Health Check preference from email (hc@cisco.com) to a link to the form based on recommendation from Madhwi K. 04-21-22: Swap out "Customer Health Check" table with Packages. 12-12-22: Updated Benefits, Features (added hyperlinks), Packages & Resources. Added "Better Together". Removed Questions & Options. 01-11-23: Removed "Security Awareness Training" reference and changed "Phishing Defense" to "Threat Connector" based on call with Navin N. & Greg B. 03-30-23: Updated Resource links. 04-05-23: Updated Resources to remove old Sales Connect link and replace with Products and Platform. 04-28-23: Updated with new SalesConnect link. 08-02-23: Added Free Trial and Free Features hyperlinks. 08-30-23: Updated Resource hyperlinks, updated package tile. 02-23-24: Change SecureX reference to XDR. 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks.
Secure Email Threat Defense (ETD):
11-17-20: Initial release. 02-26-21: Update name to reflect "Cloud Mailbox Defense" and had to create PDF on Windows for Order Guide link. 04-21-21: Change name to Cloud Mailbox from Cloud Mailbox Defense. Updated link to "Order Guide" to one without a # symbol. 10-28-21: Remove the Agari from comparison table. Added Behavioral Analysis & Gray-Mail Detection to Cloud Mailbox, add Inspect intra-office. Changed logo. 12-12-22: Changed name from "Secure Email Cloud Mailbox" to "Email Threat Defense". Added Discovery Questions. Updated Resource links & Comparison table. 03-30-23: Updated Resource links. 04-05-23: Updated Resources to remove old Sales Connect link and replace with Products and Platform. 04-28-23: Updated with new SalesConnect link. 10-25-23: Added Example SKU on bottom right corner.
Secure Endpoint (SEP):
06-20-19: Initial release. 07-10-19: Rearrange only. 03-09-20: Changed header from black to white. 11-17-20: Replaced "Conversation Starters" with Package breakdown, replaced Prevent/Detect/Reduce with Engine table. 02-26-22: Changed icon, Update Packages & add reference to Pro, added Discovery question, updated available engine graph, added resource links. 03-07-22: Error showing "3-day trial" fixed to reflect 30-day. Corrected hyperlinks with a "#". 03-28-22: Updated color tiles and changed name from AMP to SEM only (no date-code update). 04-03-23: Updated Packages (added USB and Kenna), Features and Resource links. Removed Use-Cases. Swapped Pro for MDR. Thanks to Kevin W. and Thorsten S. 04-05-23: Updated Resources to remove old Sales Connect link and replace with Products and Platform. 04-28-23: Changed "Threat Hunting by Talos" to "Talos Threat Hunting". Changed reference from "Kenna" to "Vuln Mgmt." Updated with new SalesConnect link. 08-30-23: Updated Resource hyperlinks, removed SecureX references. 02-14-24: Updated package list to match what is listed on Licensing page. 07-01-24: Added Cloud Detection (IoC) and Host Based Firewall features. Increased the dot size (•) in the Engine table. 08-16-24: Swapped (dead) Competitive link with Cloud Management hyperlink. Added reference to Secure Client Cloud Management in Deployment panel. 10-09-24: Added Host Firewall to Packages tile. Updated Host Firewall in Features (removed Beta). Added Security Connector hyperlink. 12-11-24: Changed Free Trial
to STC hyperlink. Updated Order Guide hyperlink. Thanks Iliyana I. 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks.
Secure Firewall (FW):
08-05-19: Initial release 03-09-20: Changed header from black to white & added description 11-17-20: Changed name to Secure Firewall 02-26-22: Replace "Strengths" with "Discovery Questions". Updated License codes, added links to management options. Added Resources links and 3100 series. 09-27-22: Updated the Feature Matrix link and Key Features (e.g. IPS to include Snort 3), added EVE. Updated Management and added cdFMC. Added SAL link. Renamed to FW from FPR. 10-11-22: Swapped the "Firewall Sales Playbook" link with the "Secure Firewall Essentials Hub" link. Updated logo. 03-02-23: Added CDO-SEC-SUB and updated Resource links. Replaced Base with Essential license. 03-07-23: Updated/relocated License tile. Added GeoLocation and Secure FW Cloud Native, Hyperlinks (EVE, Malware Defense, Security Intelligence etc.). Updated throughputs. 04-05-23: Updated Resources to remove old Sales Connect link and replace with Products and Platform. Added Health Check link. 04-28-23: Updated with new SalesConnect link. 06-06-23: Added 4200 series. 08-30-23: Updated Resource hyperlinks (health check). 10-09-23: Added Firewall Essentials resource. 10-25-23: Added YouTube Channel resource. 02-02-24: Added Hyperlink for FMC Virtual appliance and NGIPS. Swapped Licensing hyperlink for Configuration Guides. Added reference to Multi-Threaded. 02-14-24: Added YouTube Channel resource. 04-29-24: Added 1200 series reference. 09-09-24: Updated 1200 hyperlink. 09-09-24: Added new SKU(e.g. CSF...). 12-11-24: Changed CDO to SCC. Added ISE-PIC and NetSecOpen (Thanks Matt C.) Hyperlinks. 01-06-25: Replaced ISE-PIC with Identity Agent hyperlink. 01-16-25: Removed Firewall Cloud Native, Added ISA3000 and Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks. 01-29-25: Removed 4100 series as it is EoS.
Secure Malware Analytics (SMA):
07-08-19: Initial release 03-09-20: Changed header from black to white & added description (under header). 11-17-20: Changed name to Secure Malware Analytics. 02-22-23: Complete update. Added Resource links, Features, improved "Benefits". Changed PDF name from TG to SMA. 03-09-23: Rearranged tiles. Added SecureX and Secure Endpoint hyperlinks. (no date-code change). 04-05-23: Updated Resources to remove old Sales Connect link and replace with Products and Platform. 04-28-23: Updated with new SalesConnect link. 08-30-23: Updated Resource hyperlinks, removed SecureX reference. 02-05-24: Added FMC New Features hyperlink. 02-23-24: Removed reference to SecureX. 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks.
Secure Network Analytics (SNA):
03-09-20: Initial release 11-17-20: Changed name to Secure Network Analytics, changed name of Threat Feed (from Threat Intel License), added ETA. 05-24-21: Added references (and link) to Telemetry Broker and "Brokering Data" benefit. 05-25-21: Adjusted margins, bullet sizes. Replaced "integrated, agentless, flexible" colors with images. Added "stand alone" next to Telemetry Broker. Added Resource links. 02-28-22: Updated the "public page" link. 08-17-22: Added links to "Resources", updated logo, updated Use Cases, removed UDP Director, updates based on Mike M. TSA team feedback. 08-29-22: Added UDP Director as optional back in under Solution Components. 02-25-23: Moved and updated tile color only. 03-30-23: Updated Resources; added Ordering Guide. 04-05-23: Updated Resources to remove old Sales Connect link and replace with Products and Platform. 04-28-23: Updated with new SalesConnect link. 10-25-23: Added Example SKU on bottom right corner. Removed SCA reference. 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks.
Secure Web Appliance (SWA):
03-12-23: Create date. Sent to Daniel M. for review. Added RBI to Add-ons and Health Check link. 03-20-23: Initial release. 04-05-23: Updated Resources to remove old Sales Connect link and replace with Products and Platform. 04-28-23: Updated with new SalesConnect link. 10-25-23: Added Example SKU on bottom right corner. Removed SecureX reference. 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks.
Secure Web Appliance:
03-12-23: Create date. Sent to Daniel M. for review. Added RBI to Add-ons. 03-20-23: Release date. Waiting on Sahil K. on potential Health Check link. 04-05-23: Updated Resources to remove old Sales Connect link and replace with Products and Platform.
Secure Workload (CSW):
08-08-20: Initial create (Amandeep S.) had a few changes, recommend I send to his manager (see below). 08-17-22: Sent to Deepak S. 12-01-22: Initial release. Updated based on communication with Jon R. (suggestion from Jeff L.). Swapped out FAQ for Use Cases. Added references to DSI & MINT. 04-05-23: Removed old Sales Connect links (Sales Connect, DSI, MINT) and added Products and Platform. 04-28-23: Updated with new SalesConnect link. 08-30-23: Updated Resource hyperlinks. 07-15-24: Added "Process Hash Score" under Benefits (thanks Jeremey H.)! Added additional hyperlinks. 12-11-24: Updated Use Cases (removed duplication from Benefits).
Security Analytics & Logging (SAL):
01-18-24: Create/Release date. 07-01-24: Update to Ordering Guide hyperlink, updated Packages to reflect current package names and SKU's, added additional FAQ's. 12-11-24: Changed SKU, updated Hyperlinks, changed description, swapped Feature Matrix with Licensing, added SAL On-Premise Feature tile. 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks.
Security Cloud Control:
11-01-24: Create date 11-08-24: Released. 11-12-24: Updated Benefits and Features, Supported Products. 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks.
10-10-24: Create/Release date. Thanks to Aasheesh N. and Chris P. 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks.
06-04-24: Create date, thanks Ellen P. and Amy M. 06-05-24: Initial release.
Umbrella/SIG (UMB):
06-20-19: Initial release. 02-15-20: Updated to include new package Names and SIG features. 03-09-20: Changed header from black to white & added description (under header). 06-16-21: Complete update to include SIG Advantage, DLP, RBI features. Added Resources, updated Primary Use Cases, added Key SIG Features, added FAQs. 12-08-21: Added EDU SKU. 02-26-22: Added Education column package comparison, added DLP and other resource links. 03-07-22: Swapped out the EDU question for one referencing entitlement to AnyConnect (and link). 08-04-22: Added MSSP Req. and Ordering Guide links, changed logo. 04-07-23: Updated Packages tile. Replaced "Use Cases" w/ Benefits. Updated Resource links (e.g. replaced UPC w/ STC) Thanks Marc D! 04-11-23: Update FAQ, Features & Resources based on Daniel M's feedback. 04-28-23: Updated with new SalesConnect link. 08-30-23: Updated Resource hyperlinks, swapped SecureX w/XDR. 07-16-24: Added ISO27001 reference, updated Package tile to include OpenAI. 12-12-24: Added Public Sector hyperlink. 01-16-25: Added and updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks. Updated Packages tile.
02-16-21: | First release |
02-17-21: | Removed non-Core functions (e.g. DNS Security), Added Discovery Questions, updated Duo MFA description (Lauren) and added VPNaaS reference. |
03-03-21: | Changed VPNaaS to RAaaS. |
03-10-21: | Swapped out link to SASE Architecture Guide from "Capture the Cloud". |
07-15-21: | Added references to DLP & RBI. Updated the "SASE Architecture Guide" link. Replaced "SASE for Dummies" with "SASE Bundle" link. Added "ThousandEyes". |
02-28-23: | Removed reference to Secure Endpoint and Duo DAG (replaced with SSO). Added Multi-mode DLP, Cisco+ Secure Connect and RBI hyperlink (Dave A,). Updated colors. |
03-02-23: | Updated Discovery questions. Removed "Remote Access" (placeholder) under Solutions, updated Resource links. |
04-05-23: | Updated Resources to remove old Sales Connect link and replace with Products and Platform. |
08-30-23: | Updated Resource hyperlinks. |
01-24-24: | Added link to SASE NFR Lab Guide. Thanks Dave A. |
03-27-24: | Added SASE vs SSE hyperlink. |
01-16-25: | Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks. |
Zero Trust (ZT):
04-08-21: Initial release. 04-11-22: Complete overhaul from 3 W's (Thanks Ellen P., Becky H. and Dave A.)! 04-28-23: Updated with new SalesConnect link. 09-29-23: Removed "Secure Cloud Analytics" from Resources. 02-23-24: Changed "Panoptica" to "Cloud Application Security", changed "Secure Access by Duo" to "Cisco Duo", removed Calisti. 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks. 01-28-25: Updated logo to Zero Trust Access, added Secure Access to Solutions tile.
08-12-23: | Create date & release date. |
08-30-23: | Updated Resource hyperlinks. |
Cyber Liability Insurance (CLI):
05-26-22: Draft create (requested by Brian M.). 05-31-22: Initial Release. 06-06-22: Added a few additional questions based on Aaron T. email (6-6-22), Adjusted the "Common Requirements" for additional space. 03-02-23: Removed non-working resource link. 04-28-23: Rearranged Tiles, Changed reference from "Kenna" to "VM" (Vulnerability Mgmt). Added hyperlinks. 06-28-23: Edited most of the Resource links since several were dead (thanks Ken L.). 10-30-23: Updated common requirements upon request (Ali F.). 11-03-23: Added SalesConnect resource link (Ali F.). 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks.
Ecosystem Co-Innovaton:
06-23-24: Create date. Thanks Jonathan M. 06-23-24: Release date. Thanks Ken and Christine D. 12-01-24: Removed Xentaurus from MINT, realignment, updated dead Resource Hyperlinks. Removed Metsi & Robert Frances Group.
Fire Jumper (FJ):
01-06-21: Initial Release 04-22-21: No more restriction on Fire Jumper/Competency / partner (regardless of geographic area). Change to logo (no more Snorty). 03-26-21: Added FJ Recertification link. 04-19-21: Added additional "Benefits" (recognition through badges & cert, access to beta software). Replaced FJ vs BB link with BB FAQ. 05-24-21: Removed AM stage links. Updated SE stage-1 link. Update Fire Jumper requirement (no more email from leadership). 07-18-22: Removed SecureX Mission links. Updated FJ Status Request link. Removed SE stage links (blue window). Removed BB Framework FAQ (dead link). Added BB Academy link. 07-20-22: Swapped out the old stage-3 validation link with the current one. 07-22-22: Updated stage-3 request form link AGAIN. 08-10-22: Merge stages 3 & 4 into a single stage (for SE & AM), added Elite to the SE Stages in blue section. 08-16-22: Slight change to remove reference to stages 4 & 5 in reference to BB. Added reference to SIG in Competencies. 08-26-22: Reference 2-year for Fire Jumper (FJ) validation. Updated that TSA shall complete validation form. Changed Structure to "No more limit on Fire Jumper competency certification per SE". 01-12-24: Complete overhaul; replaced Competencies with Core and Electives. Updated SE, AM & FE Stages. Added Add-on Specializations.
Security Partner Accelerator:
01-31-25: Create date. 02-14-25: Release date. Thanks Stan K!.
Secure Trials Console:
01-21-25: Create date - may need some clean up w/GVE (Daniel M.). 01-30-25: Release date - Slight updates to trial lengths and verified GVE. Thanks Daniel M!
04-30-23: Create date & release date. 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks.
08-25-24: Release date. Thanks Ellen P. 09-04-24: Added Note 2 regarding ASAS. Thanks Pam D. 09-05-24: Added to Note 2 in that 1 of 4 Specializations required to sell EA's. 09-10-24: Updated Note 2 to reflect that THREE Specializations are required to sell EA's. Added EA Hyperlink. 09-26-24: Added EA 3.0 Requirements hyperlink. Thanks Daniel M. 10-11-24: Added FAQ link. 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks.
07-08-19: Initial release 03-09-20: Changed header from black to white & added description (under header). 02-19-23: Complete re-do and re-format. Added additional links, FAQ, Programs etc. 03-01-23: Sent to Chris M. for review, he liked, but suggested I send to Amy H. Was told several things needed to change, but have yet to hear what. 08-30-23: Updated several hyperlinks. 01-16-25: Updated several dead or redirected hyperlinks.
01-18-25: | Create date. |
01-23-25: | Release date. Chris S. |
Red Sift:
11-30-24: Create date. 12-12-24: Release date. Thanks Issam B. & Ken D. 12-14-24: Added Example SKU on bottom right.